Nespresso Iceland brygger store endringer i forsyningskjeden med AGR
Nespresso Iceland, en del av den globale lederen innen kaffeprodukter, sto overfor utfordringer med å opprettholde optimale lagernivåer på tvers av sine forskjellige utsalgssteder.
For å møte disse utfordringene inngikk Nespresso Iceland et samarbeid med AGR, et selskap som spesialiserer seg på avanserte lagerstyringsløsninger.
Þorvaldur, Nespresso Icelands leder for IT og produktledelse, og Arna, AGR-bruker og dataanalytiker hos Nespresso Iceland, delte sine erfaringer med AGR fra implementering til utvidelse.
Bakgrunn Nespresso, et datterselskap av Nestlé, har etablert seg som ledende innen kaffekapsler, maskiner og tilbehør.
Nespresso opererer globalt og leverer en unik kaffeopplevelse gjennom sin omfattende produktlinje og er et ledende merke i kaffeindustrien.
På Island inkluderer Nespressos virksomhet B2B-, detaljhandels- og e-handelskanaler, som krever grundig koordinering og administrasjon for å sikre en sømløs kundeopplevelse.
Ole Lynggaard forvandler leverandørkjeden for luksussmykker med AGR
Ole Lynggaard er et anerkjent dansk luksussmykkemerke med hovedkontor i Hellerup i Danmark.
Selskapet har ca. 40 gullsmeder ansatt og har omfattende avdelinger for design, markedsføring, PR, logistikk og innkjøp.
Virksomheten omfatter fem butikker i fire land og et nettverk med mer enn 200 grossistkunder over hele verden.
For å håndtere de voksende utfordringene i forsyningskjeden inngikk Ole Lynggaard et samarbeid med AGR, en ledende leverandør av løsninger for lagerstyring og etterspørselsprognoser.
AGRs innovative systemer forbedret lagerstyringen, etterspørselsprognosene og kundetilfredsheten.
Ole Lynggaard planlegger å utvide bruken av AGRs system for å oppnå ytterligere effektivitet og vekst.
Hjelper Hugh Jordan med automatisering av prosesser og bedre synlighet
Hugh Jordan er et av Irlands største catering- og møbelselskaper.
De har vært i virksomhet i over 80 år og levert produktene sine til Nord-Irland og England.
Space NK Boosts Availability without Increasing Inventory
Acclaimed British beauty retailer, Space NK, is known for offering the best in beauty. They run 72 stores across the UK and Ireland, 29 in the US, as well as a thriving e-commerce platform. They implemented AGR in 2008 to improve their availability figures without investing in more inventory.
Managing order exceptions in retail
Johan Rönning is a leading supplier of electrical products in Iceland and also sell white goods and consumer products. They run 9 stores around Iceland and have averaged over 100 employees in recent years.
Reducing workload at Kalli K
Kalli K Ltd was founded in 1946, and is today one of Iceland’s leading distributor of food, wine & spirits. They import, sell and distribute various well-known brands in categories such as beverages (alcoholic and non-alcoholic), food (ambient, chilled and frozen), confectionery and cleaning products, to restaurants and retail stores. In total, over 5.000 SKUs are managed by the AGR solution.
Reducing costs in the auto-parts Industry
Established in 1960, Stilling operates a central warehouse and six retail stores specializing in auto parts. They provide their customers with quality service at a countrywide level. They are a family-owned company and are among the oldest in the field on the Icelandic market.
Inventory levels down by 30% through customised reporting
Lars Larsen opened the first JYSK store in 1979. Throughout the years, the company has expanded to run over 1,550 home furnishing stores in 32 countries. JYSK employs 14,000 staff and generated 3,5 billion USD in 2008. The company has become a leading brand in many European countries including Denmark, Germany, and France. JYSK Canada operates 41 home furnishing stores and 2 distribution centres in Vancouver and Toronto, supplying around 8.000 items for its stores.
Improving turnover ratios in the retail industry
Olís is one of the 20 largest corporations in Iceland, serving its customers with fuel and related products in the company consumer markets.
15% less stock and ROI within 6 months for Newitts
Established in 1902, Newitts is a mail order supplier of sports apparel and equipment. Employing 35 people, the company operates its corporate HQ and a specifically built 60,000 sq. ft warehouse from outside York, shipping an average 600 orders per day.
Improved customer service levels for BoConcept
BoConcept was established in 1952 and is currently a global retail chain with more than 150 BoConcept stores and 100 studios in more than 50 countries around the world. Their distribution centres are in Denmark, USA and Asia.
Centralised purchasing & increased inventory control for ÁTVR
After lifting the prohibition on wine in 1922, the Icelandic government established the State Alcohol and Tobacco Monopoly of Iceland to manage and control the sale of alcohol, which included liquor in 1935 and beer in 1989. Today, ÁTVR (Áfengis- og Tóbaksverslun Ríkisins) has over 50 stores throughout the country, about 3000 SKUs, and sells around 21 million litres of alcohol per year.