AGR Dynamics is excited to add 66°North to our ever expanding customer base and implement our software solutions to help them manage their inventory and satisfy their allocation needs. Founded in 1926, 66°North set out to make protective clothing for Icelandic fishermen and workers braving the North Atlantic elements. Today, the company is one of the most well-known clothing brands to come out of Iceland, owning their own factories, with the majority of production currently taking place in Latvia, Europe.

Through the use of the AGR Dynamics Inventory software, 66°North will be able to have a better overview of their supply chain while both managing their inventory and increasing their service level. “While we have been adding a lot of new customers all over the world, it is always great to add a customer a bit closer to home. We look forward to working with 66°North on implementing our demand planning and inventory optimization software to better serve their business operations and increase their bottom line,” says Finnur Bragason, Head of Sales and Marketing, AGR Dynamics.
Today, 66°North makes functional clothing without compromise for all kinds of outdoor activity. Fishermen‘s and work wear clothing is still a fundamental element in the operation but now there is much wider selection of protective clothing for all occasions than in the beginning of the company. Fun Fact: the company name is derived from the latitudinal line of the Arctic Circle which touches Súgandafjörður where the company was founded in 1926.