
Hone in on your ABC analysis – Finding the right safety stock level for the vital few & trivial many


March 10, 2023
AGR Inventory - Inventory management and optimisation software
ABC classification systems are widely used by businesses to streamline the management of inventories consisting of large numbers of distinct items. Previously done by consultants in the background of the AGR system, the ABC management tool is now in the hands of the user. You can set, adjust and iterate service levels, for groups of items in accordance with their importance to the company's bottom line.

Furthermore, the ABC classification has been translated into importance levels ranging from high to low and is visualized in the item card, giving operational buyers better insight into each SKU’s importance.

Last but not least, the AGR system now calculates, in both Items and Reports, ABC levels on all six dimensions: revenue, sold quantity, profit, sales lines (pick), cost price, and cost of goods sold. Simply for your information on the impact of the item. The ABC classification is after all a management tool that helps us prioritize work and efforts.

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